Welcome to the Virtual World Interoperability Wiki Site

A work area for the Virtual World Interoperability Forum


On October 9th, 2007 in San Jose, California, the Virtual Worlds Interoperability Community Summit was held. This featured a gathering of 58 people from 23 different companies and organizations that participated in a wide ranging discussion of the issues and challenges to enable interoperable Virtual Worlds. The day's agenda was crafted to touch on a wide ranging set of issues to foster a discussion of the challenges to interoperability and the standards that would be required to support them. In addition, there was discussion about the next steps we could take to further our goals and vision.


At the end of the meeting a few common themes emerged:

  • The desire for interoperability of Virtual Worlds
  • The need for standards to support this
  • The desire to form an alliance based on this initial meeting to move this forward

This Wiki is a starting place to support these themes and discuss among the various interested parties (via forums) the issues.

Next Steps

We are now taking steps to form an alliance to further this discussion. This alliance will be open to everyone, however the details of the alliance are not yet established. The alliance will not be a standards body, but a group that will determine the necessary technology and standards to enable virtual world interoperability. Once the standards are determined, the alliance will then work with existing standards organizations like W3C, Khronos, IETF, Oasis, ISO, etc to get existing standards changed or new ones ratified.

The meeting schedule and logistics for the Virtual World Interoperability Forum can be found here.

Meeting Minutes from prior meetings can be found here.

Wiki Members

To become a member of this Wiki go here. A list of current members is here.

Member/Virtual World Cross Reference

A member name/virtual world name cross references is here.

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